Tag Archives: healthcare accounting Newcastle

Digital Transformation in Healthcare Accounting: Xero

xero for healthcare

As a doctor, dentist or practice manager you may need support in navigating the financial pressures of digital transformation in healthcare accounting. Here we will explain how to leverage Xero for real-time financial management.  The NHS is facing significant pressures in patient care due to changes in contracts, reduced or […]

GPs given until 12 November to declare 2019/20 earnings

GP earnings

Under regulations that took effect from 1 October, GPs and practice employees with more than £150,000 in NHS earnings in the 2019/20 financial year are required to declare this income by 12 November.   The full guidance is now available and can be found here:   https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/general-practice-pay-transparency-guidance/   The Robson […]