Tag Archives: business advice

Motivation and Motivational Mapping

motivational mapping

What does it mean to me and my people? With most journeys you take you are likely to check a map. A map helps you understand the route you need to take to get to your destination – or goal. Motivation is energy; it is what fuels us to take […]

Business Interruption Insurance Claims

Business Interruption Insurance Claims

Many policyholders will have been celebrating after the Supreme Court ruling on insurance contract wordings went substantially in their favour.  While this may offer hope to SME’s, the ruling may not be the solution for all situations for a number of reasons: Policies have slightly different wordings and only a […]

We’re working hard to get more financial support for SMEs

Support for SME

We are deeply concerned about the plight of the smaller businesses across the UK including the c. 3m self-employed directors of limited companies, who are not eligible for the government’s existing grants, and have therefore been excluded from the financial support measures during COVID-19. self-employed director And this is one […]

Is being in business stifling your freedom?

freedom of mind

Did you set up your own business under the premise that you would have more time, flexibility, and freedom – but it just hasn’t worked out that way? You may be getting lost under all those business owner hats and feeling overwhelmed. You may feel slightly sad at the ‘loss’ […]

The 5 key things business owners should do in January

checklist for businesses

It’s been almost a year since the first lockdown and arguably, as business owners we are all getting used to pivoting, working remotely and restrictions being placed on all aspects of our lives. But that doesn’t make it easier and it can be overwhelming to keep on top of the […]

How to write a business plan for 2021

Most business owners will be pleased to see the back of 2020 and should already have made suitable changes to their business strategy for 2021.   Any good business coach will tell you, if you want to survive and thrive, you cannot leave your success up to chance. This year […]

What is a Business Health Check?

business healthcheck

“Organisational health is the single greatest competitive advantage in any business.” Patrick Lencioni It is easy to get caught in day-to-day business operations, but it is essential to take time out to work on the business. Just like going to a doctor’s appointment to check a minor ailment before it […]

Brexit – Are you ready for the new customs paperwork?

If your business imports or exports goods either as sales or in your supply chain, there are a number of things you need to do and be aware of with the Brexit transition period ending on 31st December 2020.   Regardless of whether a deal is reached between the UK […]

How to accelerate business growth during a pandemic

business accelerator

Now more than ever being a business owner can be overwhelming. You may feel like you have cashflow pressure, no business strategy, low revenue or profit, people problems or generally feeling exhausted. The coronavirus pandemic has certainly become a heavy weight to bare. We have worked with some of the […]

Helping businesses drive forward with accelerator


Robson Laidler has launched accelerator services to help people and businesses achieve their personal and professional goals and fast track growth.   Despite the coronavirus disruption Robson Laidler is still on track to turnover £5m this year and is embedding accelerator services into its overall offering to give businesses practical […]