It’s Good Money Week this week, so you may be asking, “What does ‘good’ mean for my investments?” Great question and one we’ve been chatting to our existing and new clients about for a few years’ now and why we developed some alternative portfolios to take specific client values into account.
It is increasingly important to many individuals that they understand fully where their money is invested. Perhaps the pandemic has given us more time to think about this. It could be the media or even our Millennial/Gen Z children. No bad thing.
That’s why we make a point of asking if anyone has any specific values on how their money is invested. The answers are really interesting, and it helps us get to know our clients better and understand what really matters to them. For most, the absolute no-no’s are arms and tobacco but after that just a sense that their pension and investments are invested in companies that take environmental and social matters seriously. Our ESG (where there is a focus on the Environment, Social Responsibility and transparent Corporate Governance) portfolios specifically exclude arms and tobacco but in terms of the planet, will only invest in companies who seek to protect the environment and are happy to be held to account. Socially responsible investing covers things like gender equality, women on boards and good Corporate Governance is where the management team are open about their working practices.
Since launching our ESG portfolios over 18 months’ ago, 17% of our clients have felt comfortable moving their existing mainstream investments into them. The returns have tracked the results in our mainstream portfolios proving that they didn’t have to give up return for their values.
For more information on our ESG investments please contact us.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.